Accessible Gardening

Gardening for all abilities.

Accessible Gardening in November

Discover what to plant in November. Veggies, fruits, and flowers planting indoors and outdoors, and the most common activities for the month.
Accessible planting: Kale

As November unfolds and the northern hemisphere transitions further into the embrace of autumn, gardeners have a unique opportunity to engage in a different kind of planting. While the days grow shorter, and a cool crispness fills the air, the gardening journey continues with a focus on resilient and cold-hardy plants.

November signifies a time of reflection and preparation as the garden undergoes its final transformation before winter’s arrival. While many plants begin their dormancy, there are still numerous options for planting and cultivating a thriving garden during this transitional period. By choosing the right plants and employing appropriate planting techniques, you can establish a foundation for growth and beauty that will carry through the colder months.

On this page, we will explore a diverse array of plants that thrive when planted in November, offering beauty, nourishment, and a sense of connection to the changing seasons.

November planting offers a chance to celebrate the unique beauty of the autumn garden and embrace the resilience of nature. Whether you seek vibrant flowers, fresh herbs for your culinary pursuits, or nutritious vegetables to sustain you through the winter, November presents an abundance of possibilities. With a bit of planning and care, your garden can continue to be a source of inspiration, providing solace and connection to the natural world even as the days grow shorter.

Looking for a different month? Check the Calendar.

What to Plant Indoors in November

In the northern hemisphere, October brings cooler temperatures and shorter daylight hours, making it an ideal time to shift focus to indoor gardening. While the outdoor growing season may be winding down, there are still plenty of plants you can successfully grow indoors during this time. Here are some options for indoor planting in October:

  • Herbs: Grow herbs like rosemary, thyme, sage, and oregano indoors during November. These aromatic plants thrive in containers placed near a sunny window or under grow lights. They can provide fresh flavors to enhance your culinary creations throughout the winter.

  • Salad Greens: Plant lettuce varieties such as mesclun mix, spinach, and arugula indoors for fresh, homegrown salads. These cool-season greens can be grown in shallow containers or hanging baskets, making them a convenient choice for indoor gardening.

  • Microgreens: November is an excellent time to start growing microgreens indoors. Plant seeds of radishes, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, or sunflowers in trays or containers filled with potting soil. Harvest the tender shoots when they reach the desired size to add a burst of flavor and nutrition to your meals.

  • Sprouts: Consider growing sprouts indoors for a quick and nutritious addition to your diet. Sprout seeds such as mung beans, alfalfa, lentils, or broccoli sprouts in sprouting trays or jars, providing them with water and proper drainage.

  • Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is a popular indoor plant known for its healing properties and low-maintenance nature. Plant aloe vera in a well-draining potting mix and place it near a sunny window where it can receive adequate sunlight.

  • Spider Plant: Spider plants are excellent choices for indoor gardening, even in November. These resilient plants can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions and help purify the air in your home.

  • Pothos: Pothos is another indoor plant that can thrive during November. It features attractive, trailing vines and can tolerate low-light conditions, making it an ideal choice for indoor spaces with limited sunlight.

  • Peace Lily: Peace lilies are elegant, flowering plants that can brighten up any indoor space. They prefer low to moderate light and can thrive in indoor environments during November.

  • Christmas Cactus: November is the perfect time to bring out the Christmas cactus, a popular holiday plant known for its vibrant blooms. Place it in a bright spot indoors to enjoy its colorful flowers as the holiday season approaches.

  • Orchids: Orchids can be grown indoors year-round and provide stunning, long-lasting blooms. They require specific care, including proper watering and humidity levels, but can be rewarding for those willing to invest the effort.

Accessible planting: Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a popular indoor plant known for its healing properties and low-maintenance nature.

Remember to provide adequate light, water, and humidity for your indoor plants. Consider using grow lights to supplement natural light if necessary. November indoor planting allows you to continue enjoying the beauty and benefits of gardening throughout the winter months, bringing greenery and life into your home

What to Plant Outdoors in November

In the northern hemisphere, November marks the transition to late autumn and the onset of colder temperatures. While outdoor planting options may be more limited compared to the spring and summer months, there are still several plants that can be successfully planted outdoors in November. Here are some options for outdoor planting during this time:

  • Bulbs: November is an ideal time to plant spring-blooming bulbs such as tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and crocuses. These bulbs need a period of winter dormancy to develop strong roots and will reward you with vibrant blooms when spring arrives.

  • Perennials: Consider planting cold-hardy perennial flowers in November. Choose varieties such as asters, hellebores, pansies, and ornamental grasses that can withstand the chilly temperatures and provide color and interest in the garden throughout the winter.

  • Shrubs and Trees: Late autumn is a great time to plant shrubs and trees in your outdoor landscape. The cooler temperatures and moist soil create favorable conditions for root development. Choose native or cold-hardy varieties suited to your specific region and climate.

  • Cool-Season Vegetables: While the outdoor growing season may be winding down, there are still some cool-season vegetables that can be planted in November. Consider sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings of crops like kale, spinach, lettuce, radishes, and carrots. These vegetables can tolerate the cooler temperatures and provide a fresh harvest in the coming months.

  • Garlic: November is the ideal time to plant garlic cloves for a harvest the following summer. Separate garlic bulbs into individual cloves and plant them with the pointed end facing up in well-drained soil.

  • Cover Crops: Consider planting cover crops in empty garden beds during November. Cover crops like winter rye, crimson clover, or hairy vetch can help improve soil fertility, prevent erosion, and suppress weeds. These crops can be turned into the soil in the spring to enrich it with organic matter.

  • Trees and Shrubs for Winter Interest: November is a suitable time to plant trees and shrubs that offer unique winter interest. Look for plants with attractive bark, interesting shapes, or persistent berries or seedheads, such as dogwoods, hollies, and birches.

  • Onions and Shallots: Plant onion sets or shallot bulbs in November for a harvest in the following summer. These crops can withstand winter temperatures and will produce flavorful bulbs.

Accessible planting: Kale
Consider sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings of crops like kale, spinach, lettuce, radishes, and carrots.

Remember to provide adequate water to newly planted outdoor plants, especially if rainfall is scarce. Mulching around plants can help conserve moisture and insulate the soil. Monitor the weather and protect tender plants if frost or extreme cold is expected.

While the outdoor planting options may be more limited in November, there are still opportunities to enhance your garden and prepare for the seasons ahead. By choosing the right plants and providing them with proper care, you can continue to enjoy the beauty and productivity of your outdoor space even as winter approaches.

Looking for a Different Month?

Do you want to learn what to plant indoors and outdoors in a different month?

< October

Month by month guide for planting indoors and outdoors in October.

December >

Month by month guide for planting indoors and outdoors in December.