Accessible Gardening

Gardening for all abilities.

Accessible Gardening in September

Discover what to plant in September. Veggies, fruits, and flowers planting indoors and outdoors, and the most common activities for the month.
Accessible planting: Green Onions

As summer gradually fades into the embrace of autumn, gardeners in the northern hemisphere eagerly anticipate the beauty and abundance that September brings. With cooler temperatures and a hint of crispness in the air, September presents an ideal opportunity to refresh and rejuvenate our gardens.

September is a month of transition, where the warm days of summer gradually give way to the cooler temperatures of autumn. It’s a time when both gardeners and plants alike experience a renewed energy and enthusiasm. Whether you have a sprawling backyard, a small balcony, or even just a windowsill, September offers a wide range of planting options to suit every space and preference.

On this page, we will explore a diverse selection of plants that thrive when planted in September, allowing you to extend the growing season, maximize your harvest, and create a stunning landscape that celebrates the colors and flavors of fall.

Embrace the season of harvest by planting cool-season crops that thrive in the milder temperatures and shorter days of autumn. Discover the joy of nurturing fall flowers that paint your garden with vibrant hues. Savor the flavors of freshly grown herbs and vegetables that will grace your table in the months to come. September is a time of anticipation, as you sow the seeds of beauty, abundance, and sustainability in your garden.

Looking for a different month? Check the Calendar.

What to Plant Indoors in September

In the northern hemisphere, September marks the transition from summer to autumn, and while outdoor gardening begins to wind down, there are still several plants you can successfully grow indoors during this time. Here are some options for indoor planting in September:

  • Herbs: Start herb seeds or transplant young herb plants indoors in September. Popular choices include basil, parsley, thyme, rosemary, sage, and mint. They can be grown in pots or containers on a sunny windowsill or under grow lights.

  • Leafy Greens: Sow seeds of leafy greens such as lettuce, spinach, kale, and Swiss chard indoors. These fast-growing crops are perfect for indoor cultivation and can provide a fresh harvest of nutritious greens throughout the season.

  • Microgreens: September is an excellent time to grow microgreens indoors. Plant seeds of radishes, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, or sunflowers in trays or containers filled with potting soil. Harvest the tender shoots when they reach the desired size.

  • Sprouts: Consider growing sprouts indoors as they require minimal space and time. Sprout seeds like mung beans, alfalfa, lentils, or broccoli sprouts in sprouting trays or jars for a quick and nutritious addition to salads, sandwiches, and other dishes.

  • Aromatic Flowers: Bring the beauty and fragrance of flowers indoors by planting aromatic varieties such as lavender, jasmine, geraniums, or miniature roses. They can be grown in containers and placed in well-lit areas or near windows.

  • Dwarf Vegetables: Some compact or dwarf vegetable varieties are well-suited for indoor gardening. Look for compact tomatoes, peppers, or eggplants that can be grown in pots or containers. They require adequate light and regular care to thrive.

  • Succulents and Cacti: Indoor succulents and cacti make excellent houseplants, as they are low-maintenance and can add a touch of greenery to any indoor space. Choose a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to create an interesting display.

Accessible planting: Sprouts
Consider growing sprouts (like mung beans, alfalfa, or lentils) indoors as they require minimal space and time.

Ensure that your indoor plants receive sufficient light, either from a sunny window or by using artificial grow lights. Provide them with the appropriate potting soil, water them as needed, and monitor the temperature and humidity levels in your indoor environment. Indoor gardening in September allows you to continue cultivating fresh herbs, greens, and flowers throughout the year, even as the outdoor growing season transitions into autumn.

What to Plant Outdoors in September

In the northern hemisphere, September is a wonderful time for outdoor gardening as the weather begins to cool down and the soil remains warm from the summer months. It’s a great opportunity to sow seeds or transplant seedlings for a variety of plants that will thrive during the autumn season. Here are some options for outdoor planting in September

  • Cool-Season Vegetables: September is the perfect time to plant cool-season vegetables that prefer the milder temperatures of autumn. Consider crops like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, lettuce, spinach, radishes, carrots, beets, and Swiss chard. These vegetables will appreciate the cooler weather and can be harvested throughout the fall.

  • Root Vegetables: Sow seeds or transplant young seedlings of root vegetables such as turnips, rutabagas, parsnips, and radishes. These crops will develop their flavors during the cooler months, making them ideal for fall and winter harvests.

  • Green Onions and Scallions: Plant green onion sets or sow seeds of scallions in September. These fast-growing crops can be harvested when the leaves reach the desired size, providing a fresh and flavorful addition to your meals.

  • Herbs: Extend your herb garden by planting hardy herbs like chives, cilantro, dill, parsley, and thyme outdoors in September. These herbs can withstand cooler temperatures and continue to provide fresh flavors throughout the autumn months.

  • Flowering Perennials: September is a great time to plant flowering perennials that will grace your garden with blooms year after year. Choose varieties that are suitable for your region and can withstand the upcoming winter. Some popular options include asters, mums, sedums, goldenrods, and ornamental grasses.

  • Spring-Flowering Bulbs: Prepare for a burst of color in the following spring by planting bulbs in September. Tulips, daffodils, crocuses, and hyacinths are popular choices that require a period of cold dormancy. Plant them in well-drained soil to ensure healthy growth and a vibrant display in the coming season.

  • Cover Crops: If you have empty garden beds or areas that won’t be used for a while, consider planting cover crops like clover, vetch, or rye. These crops help improve soil fertility, prevent erosion, and suppress weeds. They can be turned into the soil in the spring, adding organic matter to enrich the soil.

Accessible planting: Green Onions
Plant green onion sets or sow seeds of scallions in September.

Remember to provide adequate water, monitor for pests, and protect your plants as needed. September offers an exciting opportunity to expand your garden, make the most of the autumn season, and enjoy a bountiful harvest. Take advantage of the favorable weather conditions and get ready to reap the rewards of your outdoor gardening endeavors.

Looking for a Different Month?

Do you want to learn what to plant indoors and outdoors in a different month?

< August

Month by month guide for planting indoors and outdoors in August.

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Month by month guide for planting indoors and outdoors in October.